
Sri Lankan Supper Club

Karapincha is offering a unique sharing experience of a typical family feast over a 4-course meal.

Sri Lankan cuisine has been shaped by many historical, cultural and influences from neighboring countries. Influences from South India, Indonesia & Dutch cuisines are most evident with Sri Lankan cuisine. We would like to bring few of those favorites to the table.

In MM’s Community Kitchen | 11th March | 7-9pm (*)

*(Please be aware that the time has been postponed to 7-9pm and not 6.30-8.30pm as the poster states)

The Menu:


Savory, and, spicy baked snacks. The origin comes from the classic afternoon tea brought over by the Europeans. Some short eats, like cutlets, resemble Portuguese bolinhos. It’s a mix of all the different nationalities that have influenced the island and left their mark on its culinary landscape.


Rice & Curry – the central feature of Sri Lankan cuisine is boiled or steamed rice, served with a curry of fish, chicken or mutton along with other side dishes made with vegetables and green salads.

Milk Rice – rice cooked with coconut milk and served with spicy sambal. This dish has added significance of being eaten for any auspicious moment throughout one’s lifetime which are marking times of transition.

String Hoppers – Sri Lankan version of the rice noodles, made of rice flour that is squeezed into a press to form thin noodles which are then steamed before being served with coconut based gravy & spicy sambal.


Many Sri Lankan desserts and sweets contain domestic spices, jaggery and kithul. Locally made treacle and jaggery are the most common sweeteners.


Ceylon tea is typically consumed as a refreshing beverage, freshly brewed and hot, or as an iced tea.


*If you require information regarding the presence of allergens in any of our food or drink, please ask your server.


Join the MMovement

MM is inviting people, companies and policymakers across London, the UK and the world to join the movement to change food culture in the country. This is an open invitation for people who believe in:

Healthy, sustainable, living food made with rural, artisanal practices

Supply chains that prioritise quality over price and make good, healthy food available

The importance of community in cities across the world, starting with London